The abrupt step from the ordinary principles of grammar and a few grammatical exercises into the very midst of classical authors has been a stumbling block to many a beginner in the study of Greek. It has made the study of Greek proverbial for its dificulty even among scholars that are masters of Latin.

And yet, why should Greek be looked upon as more difficult than Latin? It is the lack of such stepping stones between the rudiments and the authors as we have in Latin; viz., an Epitome Historiæ Sacræ, an Epitome de Cæsaribus, an Epitome de Viris Illustribus Rome, etc., that has discouraged many a student and has caused him to abandon the study of Greek as offering insurmountable difficulties.

By the present, Ἐπιτομὴ τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης, the author has intended to help to fill up this gap and to contribute his mite towards leveling the gradus ad Parnassum. If the size of the work has gone beyond this scope, it is because the same is also intended for Reading at Sight in the advanced classes. No other text could be more appropriate for Reading at Sight than the well-known narrative of the New Testament in a form corresponding to that of the Latin Epitome Historiæ Sacræ of the Old Testament.

The addition of a formal grammar and the beautiful illustrations which the Epitome Historiæ Sacræ has received in its many successive editions were out of question in the present work which is the outcome of a few occasional spare moments.

For the chronological arrangement of facts and for any subjective treatment of the same, such authorities as Cornelius a Lapide, Dr. Schuster, Dr. Wies, Father A. J. Maas, Father B. Spalding and others have been consulted.

For a few typographical errors and for the loss of an occasional delicate accent under a less delicate press the kind reader will readily make allowance.


Notre Dame, Ind.,

May, 1900.

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